Deformed geometries

The CAD models correspond to the NASA-CRM wing-body-horizontal tail.

The wing geometry accounts for the experimentally measured deformation.

Reference Area, S = 594,720.0 in2

Reference Chord, c = 275.80 in

Reference Span, b = 2,313.50 in

Moment Reference (X,Y,Z) = (1,325.90, 468.75, 177.95) in

IGES Files

Angle of attack File
4.84deg wbh_aoa484_buffet_deformed_updatednose.iges.gz
5.89deg wbh_aoa589_buffet_deformed_updatednose.iges.gz

NOTE: The original geometries have been smoothed and named with the "*_updatednose" suffix (credit: HeldenAero).

Deformation informations

Deformation is considered only in the z-direction.

The deformation is averaged over 10 images (more info will be added).

Position before deformation AoA = 4.84deg AoA = 5.89deg
Marker ID x[mm] y[mm] z[mm] Δz[mm] Δα[deg] Δz[mm] Δα[deg]
201 558.610 105.191 -15.721 0.295 0.287
202 651.608 105.191 -22.207 0.382 -0.021 0.393 -0.028
203 744.183 105.191 -35.747 0.360 0.374
204 632.574 215.746 -16.204 0.447 0.450
205 699.777 215.746 -16.136 0.600 -0.127 0.600 -0.132
206 766.844 215.746 -23.570 0.746 0.759
207 729.204 350.702 -9.925 1.373 1.414
208 780.545 350.702 -7.286 1.718 -0.418 1.779 -0.423
209 832.002 350.702 -11.605 2.122 2.173
210 836.606 498.954 5.173 4.345 4.438
211 873.418 498.954 7.676 4.819 -0.722 4.913 -0.721
212 910.394 498.954 5.397 5.273 5.365
213 880.023 558.864 13.814 5.977 6.094
214 910.963 558.864 16.284 6.364 -0.773 6.456 -0.784
215 942.081 558.864 14.538 6.812 6.940
216 923.446 618.774 23.298 7.689 7.799
217 948.521 618.774 25.615 7.984 -0.774 8.111 -0.769
218 973.781 618.774 24.835 8.364 8.470
Δz : Amount of deflection
Δα : Amount of torsion

*The above values are measured on the 2.16% model using JAXA wind tunnel test.
